My wild love went ridin'

If I were a month, Id be October

If I were a day, I would be saturday

If I were a time of day,  Sunrise i love the feeling of a fresh bright day.

If I were a direction, south
If I were a piece of furniture, kitchen table.its where the family sits  to argue, laugh, cry, eat and spread the love.
If I were a liquid, id be poisonous
If I were a gemstone,id be  oval

If I were a tree,  id be a pink flowering plum tree:)

If I were a flower,  id be a purple and yellow lotus

If I were an element of weather, rain

If I were a musical instrument, acoustic guitar

If I were a color,  id be lavender

If I were an emotion,  id be love and surprised

If I were a fruit,  id be sweet

If I were a sound, acoustic
If I were an element, air
If I were a car,  id be a 2010 Range Rover

If I were a food, id be authentic mexican food

If I were a place,
If I were material,  id be silk

If I were a taste, id be spicy

If I were a scent,lavender,jasmine,amber romance(victoria's secret)

If I were a song, id be acoustic,reggae,60's or 70's

If I were a bird,  id be an owl

If I were a gift, id be wrapped in a bow...haha jk
If I were a city,
If I were a door, id be a bright red door in new york city

If I were a pair of shoes, i would be flip flops

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE it with the pics! But for gemstone, did you mean 'opal'? Opal is your birthstone, you know? I'm sure you know :) Nice post...
